diumenge, 10 de maig del 2009

Wednesday 1st Aprile

It was a special day because it was Alba’s birthday.

We went to Siena. We get up very early and we spent four hours in the bus to arrive at Siena. We arrived there at noon. Then we had lunch. Can you imagine what we ate there?

Yes, pastaaaa!

After lunch we went to visit the village, and suddenly started rain. Some of us had to buy an umbarella if they didn’t want to get wet. We visited a very important square where takes place a horses race between the differents neighborhoods of the village every year. We visited the cathedral and other places too. Then we had some free time to go for a walk.

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We left the village early and the bus started going to Montecatini-Terme.

We looked for a hotel called Margherita, we were going to sleep there two nights.

That hotel wasn’t very confortable but we were happy.

At night was still rainning so we couldn’t go out and we stayed playing game all the night in the hotel’s livingroom.

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