divendres, 8 de maig del 2009

Sunday 29th March

The bus left at 5 o’clock in the afternoon. So we had made the bags during the weekend. What did we put in the bag? We put more clothes than we needed, a hair dryer, make-up, shampoo, towels, trainers and shoes… We took our cameras and we were ready to go. Everyone arrived at time. The bus arrived early too. It was yellow, new and comfortable. There were two bus drivers, a man and a woman, the woman was called Maria and the man Manuel. We thought they could be married but they were only good friends. There was a tour guide too, she was Rosa. We were really exciting and nervous. What could happen in Italy? Suddenly the bus started and we said goodbye to our parents. The trip started!During the travel we had stopped every three hours before we arrived in Italy. We stopped in the Jonquera, Montpelier, Aix-en-provence, near Brecia…


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